From requirements.txt to poetry's pyproject.toml

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 2-minute read

Poetry and Requirements.txt

I am now a poetry convert, opting for it in any reasonably large projects. Personally, I have found the ability to pin pacakges and produce a lock file invaluable for getting a complete picture of an applications dependencies. It also prevets needless docker build time spikes if a package is updated.

Unfortunately, converting requirements.txt to pyproject.toml is not yet integrated natively by poetry.

The problem

I needed to change a requirements.txt file of this structure:

-r base.txt
django-debug-toolbar==3.1.1  #
django-extensions==3.0.9  #
django-coverage-plugin==1.8.0  #
pytest-django==4.1.0  #
... truncated ...

to a pyproject.toml file like this:

python = "^3.8"
gunicorn = "^20.0.4"
psycopg2 = "^2.8.6"
sentry-sdk = "^0.19.3"
django-storages = {extras = ["boto3"], version = "^1.10.1"}
django-anymail = {extras = ["sendgrid"], version = "^8.1"}
pytz = "^2020.4"
python-slugify = "^4.0.1"
... truncated ...

The solution

All it took was one line:

cat requirements.txt | grep -E '^[^# ]' | cut -d= -f1 | xargs -n 1 poetry add

It will loop over each line and strip out any # then call poetry add followed by the name of each package. Test it by calling cat requirements.txt | grep -E '^[^# ]' | cut -d= -f1 to see what it will output before trying to poetry add it.

If it encounters something like -r base.txt which is not a package, poetry will throw an error to stdout but continue looping over the file. If you’re really keen, you could strip lines starting with -r but why bother?

The caveats, this will install the latest version of each package because xargs will only return the package name and not any accompanying ==n.n.n. Again, this could be extended if needed.

To install development dependancies the line can be amended with a -D or -dev.

Poetry for the win

If you are considering switching to poetry but have many legacy requirements.txt files for various build states, its now almost trivial to switch. If you’re on docker, poetry or other tools such as pipenv or pip-tools are going to potentially save you a lot of lost time from your pip layer caches being busted when an unpinned subpackage gets updated. Github’s dependabot can also interpret pyproject.toml files meaning you will get automated pull requests for package updates just like you would with a requirements.txt file.

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