Go template iterators
Fri, Jun 10, 2022
One-minute read
Go template iterators
How to use Go templates range
and $
This loops over the length of a struct setting the dot value to element being looped over.
type Example struct {
Id string
Name string
{{ range Example }}
ID: {{.Id}} & Name: {{.Name}}
If you need to access a value via the .
notation and that value is outside
the current iteration, you need to use $.
// example
// range over an Item struct to build a URL
{{range .Items}}
// the $ is required so that the template can inspect global state
// not just the current iteration. Item does not have a .Container.ID
// field and will fail without $
<a href="/containers/{{$.Container.ID}}/items/{{.ID}}">url</a>
#go #templates