microservice learning task

Fri, Aug 26, 2022 One-minute read

microservice learning task

I am building out my Proxmox server and local kubernetes cluster. I don’t have a huge workload to put on either, nor a sophisticated arrangement. So, I figured this is a good opportunity to replicate the type of work I do in my day job. Unfortunately, despite working on a distributed microservice I don’t get to work on all parts so I have some knowledge gaps - this should remediate that.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

Weather God:

a simple weather service

It should:

  • weather now for location x
  • weather historical for location x
  • snow falls AU
  • barometric
  • weather chart

This is a very simple application but could contain many small microservices, and/or functions.


  • temperature
  • barometric
  • chart generation
  • database
  • event bus
  • user interface

All deployed on to my local cluster


#project #kubernetes #microservices #proxmox