Quick math temp conversions

Fri, May 19, 2023 One-minute read

Quick math temp conversions

Commit to memory; converting to and from Celsius and Farenheit.

Close enough approximations which are good enough for field work.

C to F

(Cx2) + 30

10 celsius X 2 = 20
20 + 30 = 50

Exact is formula is:
(10*1.8) + 32

so comparing the two methods the difference is
quick: 50
exact: 50

If the temp is 30C
the delta between the methods grows slightly
quick: 90
exact: 86

F to C


55 - 30 = 25 
25/2 = 12.5

Exact formula is:

comparing them:
quick: 12.5
exact: 12.7

This cowboy math is basically all you need in life.

Calculatingusing decimals and fractions is dumb when you can approximate it using year 3 math skills.

Hardest part is remembering the formula.


#math #til #skills