Mermaid.js for Hugo blogsJan 17
DNS Enumeration summaryNov 20
git log to PR messageOct 20
docker compose up --watchSep 27
NF20MESH bridge modeSep 23
minio for local s3 testingJun 27
golang ssh client snippetApr 27
nextdns rewritesMar 30
Caddy and CORSMar 30
Home server notesMar 29
GH Actions versus GitlabCIMar 24
Why I love gjsonJan 4
New year, new challengesDec 26
Laravel DX is incredibleDec 17
Sourcegraph is awesomeOct 2
Flush linux DNS cacheSep 13
Remote and voltage; a fixJul 31
Custom zerolog loggerJul 30
Instant MotivationJul 29
zalando API guidelinesJul 21
golang map referencesJun 27
ngroks newer cousinJun 23
sqlite JSON and GoMay 28
snips.sh and zetMay 26
Quick math temp conversionsMay 19
Docker layers and ARGMay 19
API project designMay 19
Go: simple background taskApr 26
zerolog: reference articleApr 22
garbage collecting nixApr 16
Qantas Wifi and DockerApr 1
Mongorestore notesFeb 20
Taskfile is my new MakefileFeb 17
debug failed podFeb 8
k3s hostmountFeb 7
Go-colly meta tagsJan 31
docker run helperJan 24
ArgoCD: refresh v syncJan 11
Mudmap updates JanJan 8
fc is a hidden linux gemJan 8
Why twitter beats mastodonDec 21
ReminiscingDec 13
Automatic Pet DoorDec 10
My site has RSSDec 6
Golang: find uniquesNov 29
Slack appsNov 25
Mudmap: installer fixesNov 25
inlets troubleshootingNov 14
Typescript: basicsNov 11
Workout finishersNov 3
Nomad HomelabNov 3
Nomad: basicsOct 25
create cli reminder scriptOct 16
SQLite select between datesOct 11
pop-os shell over i3Oct 11
Hugo sort jsonOct 9
September RetroOct 7
Job tasks I do these daysSep 26
Ballbag quote of the daySep 21
WGD Fri 2022-09-23Sep 19
get private ssl certAug 29
TIL: bash flagsAug 26
microservice learning taskAug 26
kubernetes tipsAug 22
k3s custom resolv.confAug 3
WGD Fri 2022-07-29Jul 31
Razors worth rememberingJul 31
WGD Fri 2022-07-22Jul 22
wails as a standalone appJul 22
WGD Mon 2022-07-01Jul 3
WGD Fri 2022-06-17Jun 18
Go database and sql tipsJun 14
Go template iteratorsJun 10
WGD Fri 2022-06-10Jun 8
fly.io CNAME setupJun 7
WGD Fri 2022-06-03Jun 3
WGD Sat 2022-05-28May 28
zerolog ObjectsMay 25
Ansible localhost setupMay 25
WGD 2022-05-20May 20
WGD Fri 2022-05-13May 13
Old skills, new skillsMay 11
Twitch streams I followMay 9
WGD Fri 2022-05-06May 6
Mudmap Org PermissionsMay 5
pfSense-api v1.4.0Apr 30
WGD Fri 2022-04-29Apr 29
Golang URL ParamsApr 28
Vim FiltersApr 26
Initial ZettelkastenApr 26
ANZAC Day COVID BullshitApr 25